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ECB to participate in Luminale 2018 light show

12 March 2018
  • ECB will take part in biennial light, art and urban design event
  • North façade of the Grossmarkthalle will be transformed into an animated street art gallery
  • Central bank contributes to cultural scene of host city, Frankfurt

The European Central Bank (ECB) will take part in Luminale 2018, a biennial light, art and urban design festival in Frankfurt. From 18 to 23 March, the ECB will transform the north façade of the historic Grossmarkthalle, which is an integral part of its main building, into a huge animated street art gallery. The light show will take place every day from 19:30 to 22:30.

The light and video projection along Sonnemannstrasse will be staged by the Bremen artists’ collective Urbanscreen in collaboration with Berlin-based illustrator, Andreas Preis. Urbanscreen has converted Preis’ illustrations into a 3D moving picture show.

The ECB is committed to promoting European art and culture and welcomes this opportunity to contribute to the cultural scene of its host city, Frankfurt. The ECB also took part in the Luminale in 2008 and 2016.

For media queries, please contact Rocío González, tel.: +49 69 1344 6451.


  • Media photographers and videographers interested in the installation beforehand are invited to contact the ECB on +49 69 1344 7455 for details of rehearsal times.

Bank Ċentrali Ewropew

Direttorat Ġenerali Komunikazzjoni

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Luminale 2018 teaser

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