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Second edition of the "Money and Banking Statistics Sector Manual"

15 November 1999

The European Central Bank has today published the second edition of the "Money and Banking Statistics Sector Manual - Guidance for the statistical classification of customers" (generally referred to as the "Sector Manual").

The aim of the Sector Manual is to assist Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) in the classification by sector of their non-MFI counterparties located in other euro area Member States and in the other EU Member States in accordance with the requirements which are set out in the ECB Regulation of 1 December 1998 concerning the consolidated balance sheet of the Monetary Financial Institutions sector (ECB/1998/16) and largely based on the European System of Accounts 1995 (ESA 95). The first edition of the Sector Manual was published by the European Monetary Institute in April 1998. The main changes in the second edition relate to the start of Monetary Union and, in particular, to the incorporation of details linked with the composition of the euro area. In addition, the recent implementation of ESA 95 in the domestic sectorisation has resulted in changes to the country-by-country explanatory notes and definitions.

Copies of the Sector Manual will be distributed by each of the EU central banks to interested parties in their respective countries. They will also be available from the ECB - address please see below. The Sector Manual is available on the ECB's Web site [pdf 862 kB].


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