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Mr. Robert Raymond appointed as permanent representative of the European Central Bank in Washington, D.C. with observer status at the International Monetary Fund

8 February 1999

The President of the European Central Bank has appointed Mr. Robert Raymond as the ECB's permanent representative in Washington D.C. with observer status at the International Monetary Fund. This appointment is effective as from 8 February 1999.

Mr. Raymond was Director General of the European Monetary Institute from January 1994 to May 1998. He was then appointed Senior Special Adviser to the Executive Board of the ECB for the period from June to December 1998.

Mr. Raymond will participate, with the status of observer, in all IMF Executive Board meetings related to the following issues:

  • IMF surveillance under Article IV over the common monetary and exchange rate policies of the euro area;
  • IMF surveillance under Article IV over the policies of individual euro-area Members States;
  • The role of the euro in the international monetary system;
  • The World Economic Outlook;
  • International capital markets reports; and
  • World economic and market developments.

In addition, Mr. Raymond will represent the ECB at IMF Executive Board meetings on agenda items recognised by the ECB and the IMF to be of mutual interest for the performance of their respective mandates.


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