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Read what end users say about T2S now that migration is complete!

The final T2S migration was a key milestone in the integration of the European securities market. It marked both the end of a ten-year journey and the beginning of a new era for T2S. We took this as an opportunity to interview T2S end users.

During this series of MIP OnLine articles, we have already interviewed Stephen Lomas, Deutsche Bank and Marcello Topa, Citi Bank. Now we are ready with two new interviews.

First, we meet Alex Dockx from JPMorgan, asking him about the opportunities and challenges created by T2S. Additionally, we discuss the impact of T2S on cross-border investment and on the European post-trade industry. Second, we meet Alain Pochet from BNP Paribas, asking him about how BNP Paribas Securities Services view the transformation of the post-trade industry in Europe following the arrival of T2S. Take a look at what they had to say!

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