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Focus Session in Vienna

When, where

18 November 2016, 9:30-17:00 CET Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Kassensaal, Vienna


Welcome address

Ewald Nowotny, Oesterreichische Nationalbank


Introductory remarks – market infrastructure integration

Marc Bayle de Jessé, European Central Bank

Instant payments

The Eurosystem has announced that it will investigate a settlement service in central bank money for instant payments in Europe. What are the needs of the market? What lessons can be learned from countries that have already launched an instant payment service? Can an instant payment settlement service ensure that consumers are offered more advanced payment methods across Europe?


Panel discussion

  • José Beltran, STET
  • Inge van Dijk, Dutch Payments Association
  • Hays Littlejohn, EBA Group
  • Mehdi Manaa, European Central Bank
  • Udo Milkau, DZ Bank
  • Kurt Pribil, Oesterreichische Nationalbank
  • Javier Santamaria, European Payments Council
  • Moderator: Helmut Wacket, European Central Bank
Lunch break

Cyber resilience – new risk, new approach?

Cyber resilience is essential to ensure the stability of the financial system. But is the industry prepared for new risks? Is a new approach needed?

Wiebe Ruttenberg, European Central Bank

Cyber resilience of the financial ecosystem

Cyber risk is considered one of the major risks facing the financial system. What has been done to ensure the safety of financial systems? And what can be done collaboratively between regulators and the market? Is cyber risk getting the right level of attention?

Panel discussion

  • Nikolai Boeckx, Advisor, National Bank of Belgium
  • Sean Groenewald, Chief Information Security Officer, Euroclear Group
  • David Neumarker, Head of Security, SIA
  • Leo Punt, Head of EMEA Services & Support, Swift
  • Wiebe Ruttenberg, Senior Adviser, European Central Bank
  • Andreas Teischl, Chief Security Officer and Chief Information Officer, Unicredit Bank Austria
  • Moderator: Fiona van Echelpoel, Head of Division, European Central Bank
Coffee break

Presentation: The Austrian market’s preparations for T2S

What are the opportunities and benefits of T2S? What has been the Austrian market’s experience of the T2S project? And how prepared is Austria for the T2S migration on 6 February 2017?

Panel discussion


Closing remarks

Marc Bayle de Jessé, European Central Bank

End of event

To register for the next Focus Session, please send an email to MIP.events@ecb.europa.eu

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