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Monetary financial institutions (MFIs)

To obtain a comprehensive picture of monetary developments, the ECB collects statistical information from monetary financial institutions (MFIs) – the “money-issuing sector” – comprising central banks, deposit-taking corporations and money market funds.

The consolidated balance sheet of the MFI sector nets out all balance sheet positions between euro area MFIs, such as banks’ deposits with each other and their borrowing from the Eurosystem. The consolidated balance sheet of the MFI sector provides the basis for the production of the euro area monetary aggregates and counterparts.

In addition, non-consolidated aggregates for the euro area and individual countries are published each month for MFIs excluding the Eurosystem (i.e. deposit-taking corporations and money market funds) and on a quarterly basis separately for deposit-taking corporations and money market funds. A dedicated page provides information on the balance sheets of the Eurosystem and all Eurosystem central banks.

In general, data are disseminated for balance sheet items with respect to: (1) the end-of-period outstanding amount; (2) the transactions (or flow) during the period; and (3) the annual growth rate of the index of notional stocks, which is computed from the transactions and the previous period’s outstanding amount.

Latest developments


Data on the balance sheet items of MFIs are available in the BSI dataset.

Overview charts

This section includes a set of charts for quick reference and country comparison covering the balance sheets of MFIs. 

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