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Níl an t-ábhar seo ar fáil i nGaeilge.

High-rise rescue exercises at the ECB’s new premises

7 November 2014

Over the coming weeks a number of high-rise rescue exercises will be carried out at the ECB’s new premises in Frankfurt am Main by the high-rise rescue department of the Frankfurt Fire Brigade. The first exercise is scheduled for Monday, 10 November, with additional exercises taking place in the following weeks on 17 and 24 November.

As part of the exercises, the fire brigade’s high-rise rescue team will simulate the rescue of workers from the cradles of the facade access equipment. This will involve rescuers being lowered down by rope from the roof of the high-rise. The aim of these exercises is to ensure that a proper emergency rescue procedure is in place for those who are required to work on the facade. The exercises will take place during the day, weather permitting.

For media enquiries, please contact Andrea Jürges on +49 69 1344 8334.


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