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External statistics after the pandemic: addressing novel analytical challenges

Irving Fisher Committee on Central Bank Statistics, European Central Bank,

Banco de España

12-13 February 2024

Madrid, Spain

This conference on External Statistics brings together users and compilers of external statistics. It is organised jointly by the Irving Fisher Committee on Central Bank Statistics (IFC) of the Bank for International Settlements, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Banco de España (BdE). The event aims to foster regular discussions and sharing of experiences within the central banking community as well as with other interested stakeholders and users to identify the main analytical needs, prioritise data collections and address upcoming challenges in external statistics. To this end, the agenda will include keynote speeches from influential policymakers and academics, round table discussions and thematic sessions, with inputs both from analysts and compilers.

Following its first edition held in 2020 (Lisbon, Portugal), this conference will focus on the recent factors that have been reshaping the landscape for external statistics: in particular, the consequences of the pandemic and its aftermath, digitalisation, geo-political tensions and growing attention to environmental issues. The event will also be an opportunity to shed light on important statistical developments affecting the measurement of the external sector, namely improvements in compilation methods, the use of multiple information sources, the growing importance of micro data and the ongoing review of international statistical standards, particularly the update of the Balance of Payments Manual (BPM7).


Participants are invited to register by 19 January 2024.

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