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Change of embargo for the publication of the Monthly Bulletin

7 June 2001

The European Central Bank is going to change the modalities of the embargo under which the Monthly Bulletin has been published since January 1999. To our regret, we have experienced that the current embargo procedure is being abused. In order to ensure an appropriately level playing field, we will henceforth shorten the embargo time to only 15 minutes, which is necessary for merely technical reasons. This procedure will apply for the first time to the edition of the Monthly Bulletin for June 2001. This Monthly Bulletin will also include the Eurosystem's staff macroeconomic projection. It will be made public at 10 a.m. ECB time (CET) on Thursday, 14 June, and will be made available to the media via the usual channels 15 minutes before that time. Further information on the publication of the June 2001 edition of the Monthly Bulletin and how to obtain it will be distributed to you as usual in the course of Monday, 11 June 2001.


Europeiska centralbanken

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