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Supervisory and prudential statistics

Supervisory statistics

These statistics include information on banks directly supervised by ECB Banking Supervision that are designated as significant institutions and report under the common reporting (COREP) and financial reporting (FINREP) frameworks at the highest level of consolidation.

Supervisory statistics cover several aspects of banks, including:

  • balance sheet composition
  • profitability
  • capital adequacy
  • asset quality
  • funding conditions

Supervisory data are crucial to supervisors’ understanding of a bank’s risks and vulnerabilities and to monitoring their compliance with regulatory standards.

The data are collected in accordance with the Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on Supervisory Reporting as laid down by the European Banking Authority and the ECB Regulation on reporting of supervisory financial information.

Aggregate data support the analysis of macroprudential developments and, when broken down by classification and by country, strengthen the transparency and accountability of ECB Banking Supervision.

Macroprudential statistics

These statistics describe all the relevant features of national banking systems and contain detailed aggregated information on various aspects of EU banks, such as:  

  • profitability
  • balance sheet
  • asset quality
  • solvency
  • liquidity position

They go beyond banking sector data to also provide relevant information on:

  • financial markets
  • the non-banking sector (insurance corporations, pension funds and other financial institutions)
  • the overall macroeconomic environment
  • real estate markets

Macroprudential statistics are a key input for the macroprudential analysis conducted at the ECB/European System of Central Banks. They also contribute to fulfilling the data needs of the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) and are very relevant for international organisations, research centres, academia and the general public.

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