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Transactions processed by T2S – 2020

Monthly statistics of transactions settled in T2S, liquidity transfers between T2S and the connected RTGS systems, auto-collateralisation and settlement efficiency.
2020 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Settled Transactions
Monthly Totals
Value (in EUR billions) 14,764.8 13,222.0 16,784.0 13,507.1 12,867.1 15,949.1 15,657.0 11,913.6 14,453.9 14,904.6 14,356.9 14,460.8
Volume 12,885,831 13,602,163 20,232,528 14,380,904 13,479,204 16,062,410 14,371,799 12,487,334 13,986,809 13,981,357 15,615,537 15,595,371
Daily Averages
Value (in EUR billions) 671.1 661.1 762.9 675.4 643.4 725.0 680.7 567.3 657.0 677.5 683.7 657.3
Volume 585,720 680,108 919,660 719,045 673,960 730,110 624,861 594,635 635,764 635,516 743,597 708,881
Liquidity transfers
Monthly Totals
Value liquidity transfers to T2S (in EUR billions) 3,086.5 2,648.9 3,375.6 2,993.2 3,136.4 3,434.5 3,619.3 2,834.6 3,184.9 3,235.6 2,875.7 3,128.4
Volume liquidity transfers to T2S 13,824 12,071 14,190 12,788 12,268 14,608 14,559 12,225 13,552 13,695 12,986 14,709
Volume liquidity back transfers from T2S 22,188 17,230 18,374 20,203 15,091 23,901 27,685 18,496 24,437 24,785 22,481 27,584
Daily Averages
Value liquidity transfers to T2S (in EUR billions) 140.3 132.4 153.4 149.8 157.3 156.4 157.4 135.0 144.8 147.1 136.9 142.4
Volume liquidity transfers to T2S 628 604 645 642 613 664 633 582 616 623 618 669
Volume liquidity back transfers from T2S 1,009 862 835 1,026 755 1,086 1,204 881 1,111 1,127 1,071 1,254
Value 15.5% 16.8% 14.1% 14.6% 14.6% 14.6% 14.1% 16.0% 16.1% 16.4% 16.5% 15.7%
Volume 1.7% 1.6% 1.2% 1.3% 1.3% 1.3% 1.5% 1.6% 1.6% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3%
Settlement efficiency
Value 95.2% 94.6% 89.0% 93.1% 94.6% 94.3% 95.7% 96.1% 95.8% 95.6% 94.9% 93.4%
Volume 94.8% 94.9% 92.8% 93.7% 94.0% 94.2% 94.8% 95.3% 95.1% 95.3% 95.1% 94.0%

- Settled transactions do not include technical transactions and liquidity transfers;
- Auto-collateralisation includes NCB auto-collateralisation, whereas it excludes client auto-collateralisation;
- Settlement efficiency includes Party-on-Hold transactions as unsettled transactions, whereas it excludes transactions that are internally generated by T2S, transactions related to corporate actions and liquidity transfers.
- Settlement restrictions are excluded from the reported statistics

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