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Securities trading, clearing and settlement

Securities trading, clearing and settlement statistics provide information on the different types of pre- and post-trade infrastructures/systems in the European Union.

Data are presented in accordance with the three stages of securities transactions:

  1. Securities trading – securities exchange (SEE) statistics
  2. Securities clearing – central clearing counterparty (CCP) statistics
  3. Securities settlement – central securities depository (CSD) statistics

Reporting requirements were revised in 2005 and 2006, and the new methodologies could not be applied to earlier years. Consequently, data on central securities depositories cover the period from 2005 onwards. Data on securities exchanges and central clearing counterparties cover the period from 2006 onwards. Data on securities exchanges cover the period from 2006 up to 2018. Afterwards the production of securities exchanges data has been discontinued.

Time series

Interactive tables and charts

Background information

Data on securities are published for each of the systems located in the European Union and include data on the volume and value of transactions. Data are provided in accordance with an harmonised list of types of transaction and security. More information on the relevant reporting requirements can be found in the Securities trading, clearing and settlement statistics - Methodological notes.

Where there are discrepancies or additional information available as regards the data reported, these are indicated in the Securities trading, clearing and settlement statistics - Compilation notes

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