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Table 2: International investment position of the euro area

(EUR billions, unless otherwise indicated; amounts outstanding at the end of the period, flows during the period; non working day and non seasonally adjusted)

Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 Q1 2015
Transactions Other
Transactions Other
of GDP
Net/Balance -1,420 -1,269 -1,248 61 -210 -1,397 -9 111 -1,295 -13
 of which: Direct investment 1,822 1,912 1,897 -17 -310 1,570 85 218 1,873 18
 of which: Portfolio investment -3,402 -3,489 -3,407 96 -95 -3,406 -131 -187 -3,724 -37
 of which: Other investment -254 -129 -202 -31 180 -52 4 23 -25 -0
Assets 17,940 18,472 19,220 58 74 19,352 505 1,231 21,087 208
  Direct investment 7,464 7,543 7,798 56 -285 7,569 160 476 8,204 81
    Equity 5,142 5,171 5,315 8 -57 5,266 71 289 5,626 55
    Debt instruments 2,322 2,372 2,483 48 -228 2,303 89 187 2,578 25
  Portfolio investment 5,664 5,961 6,306 93 110 6,509 129 633 7,271 72
    Equity 2,043 2,190 2,318 22 77 2,417 -15 347 2,749 27
    Investment fund shares 360 380 404 -10 24 418 2 51 470 5
    Debt securitites 3,261 3,390 3,584 81 9 3,674 142 235 4,052 40
      Short-term 525 535 583 19 -10 592 13 38 644 6
      Long-term 2,736 2,856 3,001 62 20 3,082 129 197 3,408 34
  Financial derivatives (net assets) -82 -70 -56 10 2 -44 27 -5 -21 -0
  Other investment 4,397 4,532 4,652 -105 235 4,783 183 64 5,030 50
    of which: Currency and deposits 2,369 2,459 2,518 -84 150 2,584 109 66 2,758 27
  Reserve assets 497 507 520 3 12 534 6 63 603 6
Liabilities 19,360 19,741 20,468 -3 284 20,749 514 1,119 22,382 220
  Direct investment 5,642 5,631 5,901 74 25 5,999 75 258 6,332 62
    Equity 3,728 3,721 3,868 60 102 4,031 3 85 4,119 41
    Debt instruments 1,915 1,909 2,032 13 -78 1,968 71 174 2,212 22
  Portfolio investment 9,066 9,449 9,713 -3 205 9,915 260 820 10,995 108
    Equity 1,736 1,827 1,835 3 -6 1,832 42 331 2,205 22
    Investment fund shares 2,636 2,762 2,924 31 57 3,013 101 307 3,421 34
    Debt securities 4,694 4,860 4,954 -37 153 5,071 117 182 5,370 53
      Short-term 434 465 484 -53 6 437 22 10 470 5
      Long-term 4,260 4,394 4,470 16 147 4,633 94 172 4,899 48
  Other investment 4,651 4,661 4,854 -74 55 4,835 179 41 5,055 50
    of which: Currency and deposits 2,823 2,802 2,907 -53 9 2,863 119 166 3,147 31
Memo item: Gross external debt 11,255 11,426 11,836  -  - 11,869  -  - 12,633 124
Memo item: Net external debt 1,090 944 917  -  - 903  -  - 731 7
Source: ECB.
Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 Q1 2015
Transactions Other
Transactions Other
of GDP
Net/Balance -1,420 -1,269 -1,248 61 -210 -1,397 -9 111 -1,295 -13
 of which: Direct investment 1,822 1,912 1,897 -17 -310 1,570 85 218 1,873 18
 of which: Portfolio investment -3,402 -3,489 -3,407 96 -95 -3,406 -131 -187 -3,724 -37
 of which: Other investment -254 -129 -202 -31 180 -52 4 23 -25 -0
Assets 17,940 18,472 19,220 58 74 19,352 505 1,231 21,087 208
  Direct investment 7,464 7,543 7,798 56 -285 7,569 160 476 8,204 81
    Equity 5,142 5,171 5,315 8 -57 5,266 71 289 5,626 55
    Debt instruments 2,322 2,372 2,483 48 -228 2,303 89 187 2,578 25
  Portfolio investment 5,664 5,961 6,306 93 110 6,509 129 633 7,271 72
    Equity 2,043 2,190 2,318 22 77 2,417 -15 347 2,749 27
    Investment fund shares 360 380 404 -10 24 418 2 51 470 5
    Debt securitites 3,261 3,390 3,584 81 9 3,674 142 235 4,052 40
      Short-term 525 535 583 19 -10 592 13 38 644 6
      Long-term 2,736 2,856 3,001 62 20 3,082 129 197 3,408 34
  Financial derivatives (net assets) -82 -70 -56 10 2 -44 27 -5 -21 -0
  Other investment 4,397 4,532 4,652 -105 235 4,783 183 64 5,030 50
    of which: Currency and deposits 2,369 2,459 2,518 -84 150 2,584 109 66 2,758 27
  Reserve assets 497 507 520 3 12 534 6 63 603 6
Liabilities 19,360 19,741 20,468 -3 284 20,749 514 1,119 22,382 220
  Direct investment 5,642 5,631 5,901 74 25 5,999 75 258 6,332 62
    Equity 3,728 3,721 3,868 60 102 4,031 3 85 4,119 41
    Debt instruments 1,915 1,909 2,032 13 -78 1,968 71 174 2,212 22
  Portfolio investment 9,066 9,449 9,713 -3 205 9,915 260 820 10,995 108
    Equity 1,736 1,827 1,835 3 -6 1,832 42 331 2,205 22
    Investment fund shares 2,636 2,762 2,924 31 57 3,013 101 307 3,421 34
    Debt securities 4,694 4,860 4,954 -37 153 5,071 117 182 5,370 53
      Short-term 434 465 484 -53 6 437 22 10 470 5
      Long-term 4,260 4,394 4,470 16 147 4,633 94 172 4,899 48
  Other investment 4,651 4,661 4,854 -74 55 4,835 179 41 5,055 50
    of which: Currency and deposits 2,823 2,802 2,907 -53 9 2,863 119 166 3,147 31
Memo item: Gross external debt 11,255 11,426 11,836  -  - 11,869  -  - 12,633 124
Memo item: Net external debt 1,090 944 917  -  - 903  -  - 731 7
Source: ECB.