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Начална страница Медии ЕЦБ обяснява Изследвания и публикации Статистика Парична политика Еврото Плащания и пазари Кариери
Сортиране по
Съдържанието не е налично на български език.

Table 1: Balance of payments of the euro area (Euro 12) ( 1 )

(EUR billions)

2000 2001
April January – April February January – April
Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net
Source: ECB.
( 1 ) As from January 2001 the data refer to the Euro 12, i.e. they include Greece. Data for 2000 have been re-calculated to take into account the new composition of the euro area and are comparable with Euro 12 figures.
( 2 ) Financial account: inflows (+); outflows (-). Reserve assets: increase (-); decrease (+).
( 3 ) Direct investment: assets refer to direct investment abroad and liabilities to direct investment in the euro area.
CURRENT ACCOUNT 116.4 123.4 −7.0 476.9 495.4 −18.5 138.1 141.4 −3.3 552.1 564.6 −12.5
Goods 71.3 68.8 2.5 289.7 284.0 5.7 84.0 78.7 5.3 336.6 324.6 12.0
Services 21.3 22.0 −0.7 82.4 87.1 −4.6 24.3 24.0 0.3 88.1 94.1 −6.0
Income 19.1 23.0 −4.0 73.6 84.2 −10.5 24.2 28.9 −4.7 93.7 105.3 −11.6
Current transfers 4.8 9.6 −4.8 31.2 40.2 −9.0 5.6 9.8 −4.2 33.7 40.6 −6.9
CAPITAL ACCOUNT 2.8 0.5 2.3 8.1 1.9 6.2 2.6 0.4 2.2 7.5 1.8 5.7
Assets Liabilities Balance Assets Liabilities Balance Assets Liabilities Balance Assets Liabilities Balance
FINANCIAL ACCOUNT ( 2 ) 11.8 29.8
DIRECT INVESTMENT ( 3 ) −16.0 17.1 1.1 −79.6 228.2 148.6 −6.6 6.7 0.1 −66.2 18.8 −47.4
Equity capital and reinvested earnings −7.4 5.1 −2.2 −40.8 196.3 155.5 −10.3 2.5 −7.8 −38.3 29.1 −9.2
Other capital, mostly intercompany loans −8.7 11.9 3.3 −38.8 31.9 −6.9 3.8 4.2 7.9 −27.8 −10.4 −38.2
PORTFOLIO INVESTMENT −26.9 21.3 −5.6 −177.2 −18.8 −196.0 −8.1 −12.8 −20.9 −86.5 27.1 −59.4
Equity −17.7 −3.2 −20.9 −134.6 −109.8 −244.5 −11.3 8.5 −2.8 −34.4 25.2 −9.3
Debt instruments −9.2 24.5 15.3 −42.6 91.0 48.5 3.2 −21.3 −18.1 −52.1 2.0 −50.2
Bonds and notes −8.4 12.9 4.4 −43.9 59.3 15.4 −3.4 −11.3 −14.6 −42.2 13.1 −29.1
Money market instruments −0.8 11.6 10.8 1.4 31.7 33.1 6.6 −10.1 −3.5 −9.9 −11.1 −21.0
OTHER INVESTMENT −33.3 39.3 6.1 −110.3 208.0 97.7 9.1 15.5 24.6 −135.9 255.5 119.6
Eurosystem 0.0 3.2 3.2 0.0 −1.7 −1.7 −0.3 −1.6 −1.8 0.9 −3.7 −2.8
General government 0.4 −0.4 −0.1 −5.7 −3.3 −9.0 −0.5 −1.0 −1.5 2.4 −9.8 −7.4
MFIs (excluding the Eurosystem) −29.6 36.2 6.6 −57.6 198.0 140.4 14.3 17.4 31.7 −122.6 272.4 149.8
Long-term −5.3 5.5 0.2 −15.8 26.6 10.9 −1.0 4.5 3.5 −11.1 7.1 −3.9
Short-term −24.3 30.7 6.4 −41.8 171.3 129.5 15.4 12.9 28.2 −111.6 265.3 153.8
Other sectors −4.0 0.4 −3.7 −47.0 15.0 −32.0 −4.5 0.7 −3.9 −16.6 −3.4 −20.0
Errors and omissions −10.7 −22.9